Tuesday 17 January 2012

The TRUE History of Apartheid Legislation

• The Native Pass Law (1809) of the British Government compelled Black
people to carry pass books;

• In 1865 Sir Theophilus Shepstone made it impossible for Black people
to vote in Natal;

• Cecil John Rhodes in 1894 stopped a Brown man, Krom Hendriks, from
taking part in a South African cricket tour to England;

• Rhodes and Milner in 1905 introduced compulsory division between Black
and White scholars in Cape schools;

• The Native Land Act 2 (1913) prohibited land ownership by Blacks;

• Min. H.W. Sampson (1925) introduced job reservation as regards the Law
pertaining to Mines and related industries;

• The Immorality Act in Natal (1927) prohibits sexual relations between
people of different race and colour. (This was confirmed by Law 23 of 1957);

• Gen. J.C. Smuts in 1936 introduced separate representation in Parliament;

• The Native Urban Area Act 25 (1945) stated that Blacks may not,
without a permit, remain for 72 hours in an urban area;

• The National Party in 1948, defeating the SA Party at the ballot box,
respected all land- and provincial legislation, and stuck to existing
entry and non-entry signs at all state departments, public places and
businesses which indicated where the various races would be served.

At the start of the Verwoerd era, freedom was given to all those who
wanted to utilise it. Self-government was offered to the various Black
nations, an offer they grabbed with open arms. The offer was made after
the well-known British "winds-of-change" speech in die South African
Parliament. The very offer was made by the British Government to
Lesotho, Swaziland and Botswana, self-governments which are still in
place today.

"The ANC as well as the international community ignores these historical
truths, especially with regard to the years 1948 through 1966. As to be
expected though, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC)
questioned no-one from that era.

1 comment:

  1. Apartheid
    Let those who object say so now or forever hold their peace. While we're at it, let's put apartheid as a system into perspective.
    Do we know how many blacks were killed under apartheid?
    We do, and the source ...is none other than the Human Right Commission submitted as evidence to the TRC in 1997. The statistics they proffered relate to the number of blacks killed between the years 1948 up to the election in 1994. The total number of blacks killed were 21 000. But wait, it gets more interesting. It's not the full story. The HRC report also makes a distinction between two periods. One from 1948 until the end of 1989 and the next from 1990 to the election in 1994. The number killed for the period from 1948 until the end of 1989 is 7 000. That means the number killed from 1990 to 1994 which is AFTER the unbanning of the anc and for all intents and purposes apartheid had ended is a whopping 14 000, involving mostly black on black violence between the anc and the ifp ( inkata freedom party) and various other factions! Not whitey's fault. Of the 14 000 killed during those 4 years, 92% of deaths were caused by blacks killing blacks. Only 5.6% were attributed to the Security Forces at the time and usually in retaliation to attacks initiated by the anc/udf (united democratic front) that had been unbanned. Remember Ciskei? The difference in % is due to unknown causes.
    What this means is that during the apartheid reign of 41 years, 7 000 blacks died compared to double the amount of dead in just 4 years! Let me break it down yet further, 170 blacks were killed as a result of apartheid ANNUALLY. That's 170 people per year! That's the HRC figures people! Sounds like an insignificant number now doesn't it? More blacks then were killed under De Klerk's 'new' anti-apartheid government of 4 years than in 41 years of government under full blown apartheid! How good was the propaganda of the anti-apartheid movement eh?!
    Let me summarize, this needs to sink in:
    1948 - 1989: 7 000
    1990 - 1994: 14 000 (of which 92% as a result of 'black-on-black' violence, mostly mandela’s cronies killing OTHER black that did NOT agree with them, the anc)
    Really, is this the death toll of the "heinous" apartheid system the world grew to hate? Just 7000 deaths? And was it the worst thing to happen in the 20th century? Um, let's look at the Left's favorite socialist/ communist/ Marxist/ dictators leaders to name but a few:
    • Josef Stalin (USSR, 1932-39) : 23 million (the purges plus Ukraine's famine)
    • Mao Ze-Dong (China, 1958-61 and 1966-69, Tibet 1949-50) : 78 million
    • Pol Pot (Cambodia, 1975-79): 1,7 million
    • Menghistu (Ethiopia, 1975-78): 1,5 million
    Apartheid: 7 000.
    The list of far worse political systems is quite extensive and apartheid wouldn't even feature. But such was the venom against it that the result is a country destroyed. Apartheid was far from the monster it continues to be portrayed. I agree though that it was unjustifiable and unsustainable and just plain wrong and given a do-over, whites would rather leave blacks to find their way than provide jobs and healthcare and other services which caused their population to balloon from 500 000 when Van Riebeeck landed to the almost 40 million in 1994
    Facts people, inconvenient little things that keep getting in the way…..
