Monday 24 October 2011

Black Activist says "The Mandela Must Die!!"

The following is a note published by NativeFox Mbweha who describes himself on his Facebook profile as "Activist at Black Consciuosness Mass MovementKnows KiSwahili, IsiZulu, Isixhosa"

This relates to my earlier article "South Africa's Looming Revolution"

The original Facebook note can be read here

by NativeFox Mbweha on Sunday, 11 September 2011 at 18:00
For the children of Azania whose dreams of freedom were executed!!

The Mandela must die!
His continued survival threatens the aspiration of the children.
His breath stuns the revolution.
His heart-beat pins them to the floor! His eye blink keeps them blinded!
His voice keeps them silent!
He must be destroyed!

Expose his lie.
Tell the stories that were left in the island!
Call to justice those from the firing-squad.
Call for the absolute truth in the TRC. Put to justice those who were wrong. Arrest Biko's killers!
Tell of Sobukwe story.
Expose the sell-out at the World trade centre.

Give the settler back his bible and take back the land, give it to the children!!

Win uhuru for the masses!
Kill the oppressors in the minds of the children!
Burn him, beat him and crush even his blood when it falls!!
Let there be no trace, no scent of him in them.
Kill the bourgeoisie for she threatens the revolution!
Drown the myths of the settlers that impinge on your children self-worth. Feed your neighbors.
Educate the children, tell those who teach them to learn from them!
Walk tall in the hills and fields of Azania.
Don't forget your forefathers, for they know the path.
Muzivi wenzira yephariyare ndiye mufambi wayo!! Utters Zimbabwe!! Kunjalo! cries Kwazulu.
Where are the women, lay before them grass mats, ask them to ululate.
Do it humbly for they gave birth to the nation.
Protect your girls. Make men of your boys, but not too soon!
Shenxa Nyeka for you have seen it in your lifetime!
Tell them Lephatsa for they can't tell you nothing!!
Lead us to the light Malaika wa Azania!

If all of this is to be true in our lifetime, there is but one path!
The Mandela must die!!
Yes, he must die.
A poem by the native fox!
Copyrighted. All rights reserved!!
Based on a Don Mattera classic.

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